Friday, September 17, 2010


This year marks the 20th anniversary of artist Keith Haring’s passing.

Keith started the Keith Haring Foundation, Inc. to maintain his extensive collection of art and archival materials and to assist AIDS-related and children’s charities.

Some of the images here are in my private collection, the others are from a show last year at the Woodward Gallery in NYC.

“No matter how long you work, it’s always going to end sometime. And there’s always going to be things left undone. And it wouldn’t matter if you lived until you were seventy-five. There would still be new ideas. There would still be things that you wished you would have accomplished. You could work for several lifetimes. If I could clone myself, there would still be too much work to do – even if there were five of me. And there are no regrets.

Part of the reason that I’m not having trouble facing the reality of death is that it’s not a limitation, in a way. It could have happened any time, and it is going to happen sometime.”
-K. Haring, Rolling Stone Magazine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice collection that you have displayed here.